Monday 21 October 2013

Women’s Health 
Support Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer: What you need to know???
Are breast self-exam necessary? What happens if you find a lump? If you’re diagnosed with breast with breast cancer, what will treatment be like? Here are the answers.

Breast cancer today
Breast cancer today is not what it was 20 years ago. Thanks to greater awareness survival rates are climbing for more early detection.  For roughly two lakh Americans who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, there are plenty of reasons to be hopeful.

Breast cancer symptoms
There are often no symptoms of breast cancer, but sometimes women may discover a breast cancer, but sometimes women may discover a breast problem on their own. Some symptoms to be aware of may include:
  • A painless lump in the breast
  • Changes in breast size or shape
  • Swelling in the armpit
  • Nipple changes or discharge
Breast pain can also be a symptom of cancer, but this is not common.

Breast self-exam
It was once widely recommended that women check their own breasts once a month. But studies suggest these breast self-exams play a very small role in finding cancer. The current thinking is that it’s more important to know your breasts and be aware of any changes, rather than checking them on a regular schedule. If you want to do your breast self-exams, be sure to go over the technique with your doctor.

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